Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Painting

Have a new painting to add to collection.  This one entitled "Blue Bowl", is from a still life that I put together some time ago.  It is 23x30 done on Kilamanjaro watercolor paper from Cheap Joe's Artist Supply.  When I had won the Gold Medal back in 2007, Joe whom I had met at the reception for the AWS Awards Ceremony had sent me some watercolor supplies.  In the packet that I received, which I was thrilled to get, were different grades of Kilamanjaro Watercolor paper which is Cheap Joe's signature brand.  I have to say that I really like it!   It gives some surprising textural qualities. What attracted me to doing this subject was the color in the cloth and the text printed on it.  It added to an interesting composition. Lighting, to me, is everything and the shadows created by the whisk and the folds in the cloth added to a unique design.  I'll put a link to Cheap Joe's under interesting websites on my blog.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Shanghai Zhujiajiao International Watercolour Biennial Exhibition

My painting, "Going Green" has made it through Stage I of the selection process for Shanghai, China Biennial Exhibition at the end of September!  I am thrilled! The show will have a collection of 200 to 250 paintings open to the world to participate.  From what I gather, the competition has been stiff because of 4000 entries from around the world.  To have made it this far and to be asked to send it to China for them to judge is an honor.  This is not a done deal yet as to whether it is a definite to be added to the show.  It has to pass stage II.  My thinking on it is this: they probably want to see if the real painting lives up to the digital images that were originally submitted.  With Photoshop enhancements available to everyone, an image could be worked on to look more of what it actually is.

After passing stage II, a select group with than determine the 15 awards to be given out.  All in all an extremely interesting event.  I will keep you all posted as to the progress.  Now to figure out how to wrap this baby up and send it to China!